Learn the Top Tips To Feng Shui Your Container Plants Around Your Home To Experience Greater Luck, Prosperity and Health.

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Plant container gardening is a fantastic way to get started with gardening without worrying about space. Using containers - which could be anything from old tires to plastic jugs, you can grow a variety of plants.

Plant container gardening is ideal for those who want to grow plants indoors, either out of choice or due to a lack of access to an outdoor garden. By using containers, not only can you arrange your plants in an aesthetic and artistic manner, but you also lessen trouble with soil properties, pests and disease.

There are many advantages plant container gardening enjoys over traditional gardening. Some of these are:

  1. Mobility: You can arrange and move around your container-based plants as you wish in order to create an aesthetically pleasing effect. You can also use your plant container gardening hobby to spice up your home. Mix and match different plants of different colors to create a pleasant looking garden that is also soothing to the eyes. Have a look at other people’s container gardens and at websites to see the infinite possibilities plant container gardening offers you.

  2. No overcrowding: Container gardening lets each plant get enough nutrients it needs, without having to compete with other.

  3. Easier maintenance: Container gardening requires less maintenance. Unlike traditional gardening where you would have to take care of soil conditions, pests and other issues, container gardening makes it very easy to take care of your valuable plants. As plants have their own separate containers, any rare or difficult-to-maintain species can easily be taken care of as you can devote special attention to it.

So how do you get started on plant container gardening?

All plants have different requirements and you must be able to obtain the required nutrients and other material easily at your local gardening shop. Some plants will prefer loose, loamy soils with a low pH value, while others will want clayey soils with high pH values. Also keep in mind that you’ll only be able to plant some varieties in a particular season only.

Once you have decided which plants you’ll be growing as part of your plant container gardening hobby, make sure you have the required equipment and tools. Rakes, watering cans, trowels, pruning tools and soil-testing kits are an essential part of your plant container gardening ‘toolkit’.

Plant Container GardeningYou’ll also have to choose appropriate containers for your plants. These will depend upon your climate and chosen plant location. Some plastic containers will get discolored in sunlight so avoids them if you intend to give your plants plenty of sun. Some wooden containers are treated with special chemicals to prevent rot. These chemicals can be poisonous to several types of plants so preferably pick up some that have not been chemically-treated.

You’ll also have to make a choice between going organic or using commonly-available insecticides and fertilizers for your plant container gardening hobby. If you intend to consume any fruit, herbs or vegetables you have grown, try and go in for organic gardening. In this, you’ll avoid using any harmful chemicals by using only natural and organic compost, fertilizer and pesticide.

Plant container gardening can turn out to be quite a rewarding hobby. Imagine growing cacti in Massachusetts or strawberries in Texas!


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